Make free or cheaper calls with RYNGA!

Have family members or friends overseas? Or would you like to remain close to home while traveling?
And of course IDD or international roaming isn't the best solution for you?

Keep in touch for cheaper with Ringer!

Step 1:Have internet connection
Step 2: Download the FREE app on your Android or Iphone
Step 3: Buy Ringer  credit. Payment can be made from your bank account

Why Rynga?
1. It is cheaper than even Skype
2. The person on the other line does not need to have that app, like Skype.   You can simply make the call to any land-line or mobile.
3. Your number appears on the other person's screen. Most apps will only tell the receiver 'private number'. Your call might end up not getting answered.
4. In certain countries, calling landline is free.  Skype does not offer that.

For more information, go to