Singapore Trip (3) - Halal Makan Places in Universal Studios Singapore

Some of us are happy eating in lard- free, pork free eating places, but some may be more particular - wanting to see the HALAL stamp at the entrance of the outlets.

Universal Studios Singapore is the place that tourists MUST go when they are in Singapore. It's good news now that   you don't have to just eat popcorn and drink or pack sandwiches and food simply because you can't buy them anywhere. Most of their food outlets are Halal

                                                              (courtesy of Google)

Goldilocks Restaurant di Far Far Away Castle
Friar's Restaurant di Far Far Away Castle
Marty's Casa De Wild Restaurant di Madagascar
Celebrity Cafe & Bakery di Hollywood City
Mel's Drive In Restaurant at Hollywood City
Oasis Spice Cafe, Ancient City

Food prices are affordable, as long as you don't try to convert every meal that  you eat :)

Hope this helps your trip to USS!
Owh , don't forget to bring an umbrella, sunglasses, bottled water, or you can use the water coolers available. Wear comfortable clothes. As much as you want to remain fashionable for the pictures, think of the risks you are taking with heels going on the rides. Make up will melt any way in the hot weather, so wear as little as possible. The many layers are not necessary

Prayer rooms are not readily available. They normally use a multi purpose room very close to the USS entrance to pray.
