Top Ten Things You Shouldn't Wear To A Wedding!!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You may think this is quite a ridiculous post. How can someone not know what to wear to a wedding. Afterall, people have been to way too many weddings to make mistakes. Bear in mind, you might be wrong. Some of the don’t s can easily be related to someone you saw at the party :).
1. DO NOT wear a tiara
No guest, not even if you are the bride's sister, her best friend or even her mother. Please, the party is not about you today. The only one who gets to wear the tiara, is the bride.
Yes, the "LBD" is the most essential part of the wardrobe and it is the dress that you can never go wrong with for a formal occasion. But, please a wedding party is not the place to wear it to. The colour Black is mostly associated with mourning rather than elegance at such joyous function.
3. DO NOT wear a tux.
Unless you are being invited to one of those elite parties with black-tie affairs.
4. DO NOT wear out dated costumes.
Some people find it amusing to arrive with bell bottoms. Please this is not a costume party, unless of course, the theme is 'the 70s' or 'Halloween'.
5. DO NOT wear jeans and t shirt
We Malaysians do it a lot thinking it is cool to show up wearing that attire, and then afterwards you proceed to hang out with your friends. But mind you, it is downright disrespectful. Its disrespectful to the bride and groom, disrespectful to the hosts, and the whole occasion. Please, no matter how informal it is, at least come in slacks and a buttoned-up shirt.
6. DO NOT wear anything skimpy.
Men escape from this. It is the ladies who usually get into trouble. There's this line between showing a little bit and a lot of skin, but many do not realise that. There's a line in between too tight and a good fit.
7.DO NOT wear a prom dress
Do not go all over the top with a fluffy skirt and corsages everywhere.
8. DO NOT wear a pantsuit
Attention ladies! Even if you think it is formal and elegant enough. Wearing pants during the wedding will actually potray the more serious and uptight you. This is the time to have some fun with the frills and the shapedly cuts, and of course have fun with some sexy heels.
9. DO NOT wear anything loud
Colour scheme. Striking eye catching colours are a no no. The celebrities on that day are the bride and groom, not you. Not so much make up on please! I am talking about faking it too much. And nothing obnoxious; huge hats ( unless it is an English party where everybody wears hats ), over the top hair-do, crazily huge jewellery.
10. DO NOT wear white
No matter how good the dress looks on you, you do not want to be confused with the bride. It is their occasion so do not try to steal the show.
Hope this helps!